How to connect Bókun to Winedering
What will be connected through the integration?
Here is the list of integrations available:
Availabilities: any updates to availabilities, such as opening or closing dates and times, are reflected on in real-time. You can confidently manage your calendar exclusively through Bokun.
Bookings: Bookings confirmed by customers on Winedering are automatically sent to your booking engine in real time. Any necessary actions to manage these bookings must be performed directly on your booking engine (cancellation, modification, etc.). If the booking needs changes in the number of guests or prices/total amount, you should ask the customer to cancel it and recreate it, or you can do it on their behalf.
Attention! If there is a discrepancy in prices between Bokun and Winedering, the official total amount for a booking is always the one listed on Winedering. This amount is also noted in the booking details on Bokun. Keep in mind that this can affect how you calculate your revenues, the commission Winedering will charge, and the amount you need to include on the receipt or invoice issued to your customer.
Pricing and Contents
Unlike availability, the descriptions, name and the pricing list will not be synchronized with Bókun. Any price changes must be communicated manually to Winedering.
How to Connect Your Experience on Winedering with Bókun
Before proceeding
Ensure that the experience on Winedering that you want to connect is set to ONLINE.
Retrieve the Experience ID for the experience you want to connect, which is available in the Bókun panel.
Log in to your control panel. From the left menu, click on "Experiences".
In the experiences table, click the name of the experience you want to connect
Note: The experience must be set to ONLINE to connect it to Bókun .
From the left menu, click on the "Connect Booking Engine" button.
A new window will open where you can select the Bókun booking engine.
Enter the Experience ID of the experience you want to connect available in the Bókun panel.
Click on the "Check experience" button.
If the Experience ID is valid, a summary of the entered data will be displayed, including the experience name loaded from Bókun.
You can confirm the information is correct by clicking the "Confirm and Save" button.
If the name of the experience doesn’t match the one you intended to link, click the 'Insert another Experience ID' button to try again.
After saving, if no errors occur, you will be redirected to the configuration wizard.
Before the experience becomes available for online booking, you will need to:
Choose the Price Catalog to use
- Associate the Bókun pricing categories with the Winedering calendars.

Bókun uses Price Catalogs as price lists. For a single experience, multiple Price Catalogs can be configured. Since Winedering does not manage price lists, the supplier will need to select the appropriate Price Catalog to associate with the prices on the bookings sent to Bókun.
On Bókun, it is possible to specify multiple Rates, each of which can have different types of people (Pricing Categories).
These options must be associated with Price per Types available on Winedering in the corresponding calendars.
In case of discrepancies between the prices configured on Bókun and those on Winedering, the official total amount of a booking will always be the one indicated on Winedering. This amount will also be reflected in the booking details on Bókun.
Please note that such discrepancies may affect the revenue calculation, the commission applied by Winedering, and the amount to include in the receipt or invoice issued to the customer.
For calendar modifications on Winedering, you can contact our support team at
If Bókun Rates are used to allow booking the experience by specifying a language, you will need to indicate the language associated with each Pricing Category during the completion of the Wizard.
If the experience on Bokun is configured using tier prices, it must be configured with the same tiers on Winedering.
If the tiers on Winedering are different from those indicated on Bokun, it is necessary to request a change to the pricing by sending us an email at with all the details.
Until each tier price on Bokun has a corresponding one on Winedering, the connection between Winedering and Bokun will not be activated.
Possible Errors
1. Every Price per Type must be active in at least one language. The language field cannot be left empty.
2. You can combine a language and a Price per Type in a single Pricing Category on Bókun
3. If on Winedering you have multiple calendars that only differ by time, while the price per person type is the same, you can choose the 'price per type' from any of the calendars to associate it with the options. The important thing is that the option is associated with the 'price per type' that best matches the price indicated on Bokun.
In the Winedering booking form, ONLY the Pricing Categories from Bókun that have been associated will be visible.
Once the wizard has been completed correctly, the association will be automatically activated on the Winedering frontend site.
How to resolve potential errors during the setup
If you encounter the following error during the association:
The experience cannot be synchronized with Winedering because a pickup point is required, but no pickup points are defined on the booking engine. Additionally, the "customPickUpAllowed" option is not set to "ok" on Bokun. Please ensure that pickup points are defined on the booking engine, and that the "customPickUpAllowed" option is enabled on Bokun. Alternatively, you can provide the ID of another experience."
Check the PICKUP PLACE configuration on Bó kun.
If your experience is configured with selectable pickup points, ensure that corresponding pickup places are defined on Bókun.
If no pickup places are defined, it is essential to allow customers to enter a custom pickup location.
To do this, ensure that the flag “Allow the customer to enter a custom pick-up location”, located in the “Pick-up config” screen in the Bókun dashboard, is enabled.
If you encounter the following error during the association:
"The experience cannot be synchronized with Winedering because a dropoff point is required, but no dropoff points are defined on the booking engine. Additionally, the "customDropoffAllowed" option is not set to "ok" on Bó
kun. Please define the dropoff points on the booking engine and ensure that the "customDropoffAllowed" setting is set to "ok" on B
kun, or insert the ID of another experience.
Check the DROPOFF PLACE configuration on B ó kun
The same applies to the dropoff place. If your experience is configured with selectable dropoff points, ensure that corresponding dropoff places are defined on Bókun.
If no
places are defined
, it is essential to
allow customers to enter a custom
To do this, ensure that the flag “Allow the customer to enter a custom drop-off location”, located in the “Drop-off service” screen in the Bókun dashboard, is enabled.
How to Verify the Connection with Bókun
Log into your control panel.
From the left menu, click on "Experiences".
In the list of experiences, those connected to Bókun will have a Bókun badge next to the name.

From the left menu, click on the "Manage Booking Engine" button.
The screen with the booking engine configuration and the association status will open.
Troubleshooting Connection Issues with Bókun
If the connection is temporarily suspended
Availability and bookings will no longer sync with Bókun and will instead be managed on Winedering.
Log in to your control panel.
From the left menu, click on "Experiences".
In the list of experiences, the Bókun name will appear in yellow instead of green if there is an issue.
Click on the experience name, and the "Manage Booking Engine" button will be red.
Clicking the button "Manage Booking Engine" will opens a displaying a warning message.
How to Disconnect Your Experience on Winedering from Bókun
Considerations before proceeding:
If the experience is ONLINE, the availability shown on the site will be based on what is set on Winedering.
Ensure that the configuration of the experience is correct before disconnecting it from Bókun.
Log in to your control panel and open the details of the experience you want to disconnect from Bókun.
From the left menu, click on the "Manage Booking Engine" button.
A new page will open showing the status of the connection. Click the "Reset the configuration process" button to remove the connection and proceed.
Managing Bookings Connected with Bókun
Whenever a user confirms a booking for an experience connected to Bókun, the booking will also be automatically created in Bókun.
The creation or update of bookings from/to Bókun is not in real time!
It may take a few minutes for Bókun and Winedering to synchronize and reflect the same information.
Log in to your control panel. From the left menu, click on the "Bookings Received" button.
Click on the booking you want to view in detail.
If the booking has been correctly created or is pending creation in Bókun, it cannot be managed within Winedering. Any changes, such as confirming or rejecting the booking, must be made in Bókun.
If errors occur during the creation of the booking, they will be displayed in the booking details. Unless the issue is related to availability, you can manually retry by clicking the "Retry" button.
How to Check for Errors When Booking Only on Winedering
In case a booking is created exclusively on Winedering and not on Bókun, it is essential to verify the status of the experience on Winedering and check for any potential errors.
To do this, follow the steps provided in the section "How to Verify the Connection with Bókun".