How to Share a Tracked Link with Clients

With Winedering's Affiliate Program, effortlessly earning commissions from your clients' bookings is a piece of cake. This concise guide will walk you through the process of creating and sharing links with your clients, allowing you to start earning passive commissions on our carefully curated selection of wine experiences.

1. How to Create a Link to Share

Access your Affiliate Partner Portal and click on "Book or Create Affiliate Link" or on "Go to"

You will be directed automatically to Winedering's Marketplace dedicated to Affiliates and Distributors. From here, you can generate an affiliate link from any page, for example:

  • The home page

  • The page of a specific Winery or Wine Destination

  • The page of a single Wine Experience

To create the Affiliate Link, the only thing you have to do is click on the "Create Affiliate Link" button on the website's top banner. Copy the link to your Clipboard by clicking on the button as shown below. Now all you have to do is share this link with your clients!

1.1 Share Link through a QR Code

If you haven't uploaded a logo to your profile, the system will prompt you to do so the first time you attempt this procedure. Uploading a logo is essential; otherwise, the system cannot print your A4 page with the QR code.

This feature is particularly beneficial for hotels, apartment hosts, or B&Bs. By printing a QR code and placing it in either the concierge area or guest rooms, you enable customers to quickly scan the code, search for, and immediately book wine experiences. This not only enhances the guest experience but also increases your potential to earn commissions.

To generate a QR code, follow the steps outlined in the "share tracked links" section above. Instead of clicking "copy to clipboard," simply select "Print QR Code" and choose the desired language.

2. Earn Commission on Referred Bookings

Winedering's Affiliate Program enables you to earn commissions on every booking your clients make within 30 days from the creation of the referral link.

To check your Referred Bookings, you can click on "Referred Bookings" on the menu on the left in your Control Panel.

Please take note: As shown below, commissions are only earned on bookings that are both paid and completed. Therefore, you'll need to await your customers' participation in the experience and the successful completion of their booking before the corresponding amount is transferred to your balance.

Great! Now you know everything there is to know about How to Share a Tracked Link and how Referred Bookings work.

To receive payment for your commissions, please refer to this guide.

3. Check your statistics

From your dashboard, you can view monthly statistics for clicks and views generated by your tracked links. Additionally, you can see the number and total amount of bookings and commissions you have produced, if applicable.

You will only see statistics if you generate at least one view, click, or referred booking through your tracked links.